Durante questi lunghi mesi i rappresentanti dei Prigionieri che stanno attuando la protesta hanno tenuto riunioni con varie organizzazioni compresa la gerarchia della Chiesa Cattolica: effettivamente l’Arcivescovo Sean Brady ha visitato la prigione ed ha parlato direttamente con l’O/C dei prigionieri aderenti alla protesta. Nel corso di queste riunioni i rappresentanti della Chiesa hanno fatto appello ai Prigionieri per la sospensione della protesta e favorire il dialogo. I Prigionieri hanno richiesto colloqui diretti tra O/C e i Britis, quindi si è deciso di non intensificare la protesta.
La decisione di sospendere la fase attuale della protesta è stata presa dopo che l’O/C ha informato la leadership del Oglaigh na hEireann.
E’ chiaro che i cambiamenti attuati rispondono solo parzialmente alle richieste dei Prigionieri.
Ora la palla passa ancora alla corte dei Britis.
Prigionieri Repubblicani
Prigione di Maghaberry
Press Release/Preas Ráiteas
Republican Prisoners' Action Group
Statement from O/C CIRA POWs in Maghaberry Gaol
The Republican Prisoners held in Maghaberry Concentration Camp have agreed to temporarily suspend their 10-month long protest. Since 19th June 2006 Republican POWs have been protesting against a régime which seeks to criminalise those who continue to struggle for
Whilst there have been some changes implemented to improve conditions since this decision we believe that they only partially meet our demands.
The following are the changes:
Access to classroom for self-education
Inter-wing football
Access to dining room for breakfast and dinner on a rotational basis
More time out of cell resulting in a 16-hour and 19-hour lock-up as opposed to the previous 19 and 23-hour lock-ups
Although we must acknowledge that significant change has been made we believe that a lot more needs to be done.
We have only agreed to a temporary suspension in order to show that we are not intransigent; we will not accept the continuation of any policy which seeks to criminalise Republican POWs. We would urge the NIO and the Brits not to view our suspension as a sign of weakness, but rather as a sign that we are willing to give room for manoeuvre – the room that was requested from us by intermediaries. We wish to restate that we will not tolerate any more foot-dragging on the issues pertaining to better living conditions. We will not allow the status quo to remain for a further 3 years without more significant change. The ball is again in the Brits' court.
Republican Prisoners